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Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Kathmandu's Himalayan Cheese Yak Chew is an all-natural dog food made with only the freshest ingredients. We are passionate about providing the best nutrition for your four-legged friends and are committed to creating healthy, delicious food that they will love.

Our FAQ section is full of helpful information about our product, so take a peek and find out what makes Kathmandu's Yak Chew unique. We guarantee that your pup will be happy and healthy with every bite.

Have any Custom Questions?

At Kathmandu's - Himalayan Cheese Yak Chew, we understand the value in feeding your dog healthy, all-natural dog food. Our yak chews are made from 100% Himalayan cheese that has been carefully aged and cured for the perfect texture and flavor. With no added preservatives, colors, or flavors, you can rest assured that your pup is getting the best quality ingredients.

We’re proud of our product and confident that your pup will love it, too. If you have any questions about the product, don’t hesitate to reach out to us—we’re here to help.

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